DIY At-Home Coffee Bar

DIY At-Home Coffee Bar

There is nothing better than waking up to the rich, delightful aroma of a freshly brewed cup of coffee. Having an at-home coffee bar is an easy way to make your mornings a little more caffeinated! Here are a few of our recommendations for building an at-home coffee bar:  

Extraordinary Coffee

1. Use Extraordinary Coffee 

The flavor and quality of coffee that you use makes a world of difference in your morning brewing process. That’s where we come in! Here at Alma Coffee, we take great pride in the caliber of our coffee. We are involved in every step of the process from farming to roasting so that we can ensure the coffee you buy from us is nothing short of the best you’ve ever had. Better yet, you don’t have to compromise on design when it comes to displaying your coffee. Our beautifully crafted bags are the perfect art piece on any coffee bar. Furthermore, if you’re looking for a more aesthetically pleasing, environmentally friendly, and cost-effective way to elevate the look of your coffee storage, try one of our Coffee Canisters. These are great tools for coffee preservation. Not to mention, you get a discount every time you bring it in to the café for a coffee refill.  

Invierno + Chemex

2. Find your ideal brewing machine 

Whether you like the taste of classic drip coffee or prefer something a little fancier, Alma can help! You can find almost any of your favorite brewing machines here at Alma Coffee, both online and in-store. We offer everything from the Chemex to the AeroPress. If you’re looking for a way to brew your coffee with more control over the flavor, try using a Chemex. The Chemex is a manual pour-over that provides a lighter and cleaner flavor than an automatic drip coffee device. This is because the Chemex Square Filters are thicker and bonded to leave the fats and bitterness in the coffee grounds and not in your cup.  

Looking for something a little easier than a Chemex but more elevated than a standard coffee pot? Check out the French Press! This is a great option for those who want a brewing method with more options. The French Press is great for brewing your morning cup of hot coffee, or if you’re like me, you can use it for an easy cold brew! The French Press is a brewing method that all coffee connoisseurs should have in their home.  

If you ever have any questions concerning how to brew your coffee, how to use a machine, or just any coffee questions in general, feel free to either stop by the café or shoot us an email at 

Baratza Encore Grinder

3. Buy a Grinder 

A little-known secret within the coffee community is the importance of grinding your coffee fresh before brewing. Now don’t get me wrong, even if you get your coffee pre-ground, it’s still going to taste extraordinary, but when you grind your coffee right before brewing, it's guaranteed to take the flavor up that extra notch. Grinding your own coffee brings out a more nuanced and flavorful roast. This is because as soon as coffee beans are ground, they begin to release chemicals and fragrance. The closer you grind the beans to when you brew your coffee, the stronger the flavor. The Baratza Encore Grinder is an affordable and reliable option. Plus, we also sell it at Alma Coffee both online and in-store (hint hint, wink wink). 

Everyday Cold Cup

4. Mugs and Travel Cups 

Arguably the most important part of the coffee making process: what mug are you going to use? At Alma we have a plethora of mugs and travel cups to choose from. If you’re looking for a mug that tells a story, check out the angled mug designed by our very own, Paula Rugg. The Angled Mug tells the story of our coffee bean from its life on the farm all the way to being roasted at Alma Coffee. If you’re more of a busy body who is constantly on the go, check out the Everyday Cold Cup. This cup features a few of the most iconic parts of Alma Coffee including our branded to-go cup, coffee jute sacks, and most brilliantly, our roaster. If you’ve ever been into the café, you know how legendary our Loring roaster is.   

At-Home Coffee Bar

5. Make it your own! 

One of the best parts of making a coffee bar at home is the ability to customize the space to fit your aesthetic. If you’re like me, every time I go to a coffee shop, I immediately want to replicate that space in my home. When you make your own coffee bar at home, you have the freedom to do just that! You can take all your favorite aspects of your favorite coffee shops and incorporate them into your at-home coffee bar. For example, if you just can’t get enough of all the green and natural colors in the café, try adding some plants and flowers into your space. Or if you loved the warehouse/industrial feel that we’ve got going on at the Alma Café, shop industrial styles for your coffee bar. From the brewing machine, all the way to the beans, how you choose to brew your coffee is up to you! 

Having a coffee bar at home is a revolutionary new trend that we are so excited about! Being able to make extraordinary coffee from the comfort of your own home is not only more efficient but is also a chance to liven up your space. Imagine having guests over for dinner, and when dessert time rolls around, you head on over to your coffee bar and brew up some Alma Coffee to drink with your dessert! You truly can’t beat that kind of convenience! With Alma Coffee and an at-home coffee bar, you can have your cake and eat it too!  

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