Freshly Ground vs. Pre-Ground Coffee: Is there a difference?
For coffee lovers, freshness is top priority. That's why Alma Coffee is dedicated to roasting your coffee fresh daily. But did you know there's another culprit out there causing your coffee to lose its freshness? Ordering your coffee pre-ground could mean you’re missing out on a completely different, more vibrant flavor profile than if you were to order whole bean coffee and grind your beans as you brew.
One of the biggest advantages of grinding your coffee beans as you use them is the ability to preserve the flavors and aromas that make each cup extraordinary. Coffee begins to lose its freshness as soon as it is ground, as exposure to oxygen accelerates the breakdown of its essential oils and flavors. By grinding just before brewing, you ensure that every cup is as fresh, bold, and flavorful as possible.
Another major benefit of grinding your coffee fresh is the ability to control the grind size based on your brewing method. Different brewing techniques (espresso, French press, pour-over etc.) require different grind sizes for optimal extraction. Pre-ground coffee is typically a one-size-fits-all solution that may not be ideal if you like to change things up. By grinding your own beans, you can achieve the perfect consistency for your specific method, resulting in a better-balanced and more satisfying cup.
To get the best results from grinding your own coffee, it's important to choose the right type of grinder. A burr grinder, like the Baratza, is far superior to a blade grinder because it produces a more consistent grind size, which leads to better flavor extraction. Blade grinders chop the beans unevenly, resulting in an inconsistent mix of fine and coarse particles that can cause over- or under-extraction. In contrast, burr grinders crush the beans between two grinding surfaces, ensuring uniformity and precision. The consistency of these grinds allows for a smoother, more balanced cup of coffee, making a burr grinder a worthwhile investment for any coffee enthusiast. If you're looking to take your coffee game to the next level, switching to whole bean coffee and grinding them with a burr grinder just before brewing is a simple yet game-changing decision.