2021: A Year in Re-Brew

2021: A Year in Re-Brew

As 2021 comes to an end, we can’t help but reflect on how far Alma Coffee has come in the past 365 days... it is truly surreal!

Most of you reading this are probably familiar with the Alma story, one that involves over five generations of coffee farming in Corquin, Honduras. 

Specifically, you may be familiar with where this story formed new branches in early 2018, and that's when my husband Harry and I were the first in our generational coffee family to not only farm our coffee, but to roast and sell it fresh and direct to consumers like you!

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Being first time entrepreneurs while navigating the first years of operation through a worldwide pandemic was not exactly a walk in the park, but we are grateful for every single moment of the journey so far—and it truly wouldn’t be possible without your support!

As we prepare for a new year filled with new and exciting opportunities for our small business, we want to take a moment to reflect on some of the many wins from Alma Coffee's 2021 year!


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We survived 2020!!!

I know, I know, but seriously! So many small and large businesses of all kinds have shut down during this pandemic, and we are grateful every single day to still be here roasting fresh coffee!

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Our family has grown from 

5 to 12! 

We’ve more than doubled our team in just 12 months, and the best part is every single person working at our Holly Springs, GA roastery is truly like a family member. 

Most of the time we feel like we are hanging out with our best friends at work, and that is what we have always wanted to have in a “job”. It’s so cool to think of the culture we have crafted in this small business and the amazing individuals that we now have in our lives

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Our café pop-up is not much of a “pop-up” anymore! 

For all our local folks you've seen it first hand, but we started the year with an espresso machine and freshly roasted coffee. Little by little, we have transformed a small corner of our warehouse into a full-service café destination for the whole community. 

From perfecting in-house made latte syrups, using herbs from our own little garden for flavor, to growing a barista team now 3 strong, we are amazed with how many of you love coming to hang out at our café every day. 

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Our coffee catalog is double the size it was this time last year!

Can you believe we now have 19 different roasts to choose from?! 

2021 started with 7 staple roasts, but our selection has continued to expand exponentially and will continue to grow and grow and grow!

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Sorry, we don’t do autographs… 

You saw us on TV and across the internet!! What?! No really!!! 

From news features on CBS National News, Fox 5 Atlanta, and Channel 2, to being featured TWICE on the famous YouTuber Adam Ragusea’s food science channel. It is still beyond surreal and to be honest…weird!

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In Honduras, with your help, we overcame the damage of the 2020 hurricanes. 

Although there is still some aftermath, we were able to aid in fixing the only bridge that provides entry and exit into our town of Corquin, fueled our trucks that donated time and labor to restoring the roads, and donated food and essentials to those that lost it all!

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Our family farm, Finca Terrerito, finished building our first export center!

We built an export facility, the last and missing piece in being 100% fully vertically integrated from farm to cup. In a condensed form, the export center allows us to dry coffee in much larger quantities and prepare our own containers for export. 

This has allowed us to be much more sustainable in minimizing waste and reusing byproducts as much as possible. 

We also received many fantastic certifications in 2021 geared towards improving lives and sustainable practices, as covered in a recent one-on-one interview with Head of Certifications at Finca T.

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To be honest, these are only a few of the many things we can think of, and we're sure we probably missed so so sooo many other great things that happened in 2021. 

At the end of the day, none of these things would be possible without you, so THANK YOU Alma Familia! 

We know you have a lot of coffee options to choose from and we know you splurge on Alma Coffee in order to support our direct trade mission, for all of this, we are eternally grateful. Thank you for believing in us, believing in our key pillars, and for believing in our difference. We look forward to all the amazing things that 2022 has awaiting us!

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As a fervent supporter of cryptocurrencies, I was devastated when I fell victim to crypto theft. My valuable digital assets were swiped, leaving me feeling utterly helpless and betrayed. Turning to the internet for assistance, I scoured for ways to retrieve my stolen funds. That’s when I stumbled upon Cyberpunk Programmers, an expert in recovering stolen cryptocurrencies. In this narrative, I’ll recount my experience with crypto theft and how Cyberpunk Programmers pulled me back from the brink of financial disaster. The moment I discovered that my cryptocurrency had been stolen, I was in disbelief. How could this happen to me? Despite taking all the necessary precautions to secure my digital assets, I found myself vulnerable to theft. Frustration and betrayal engulfed me as I watched helplessly as my hard-earned money disappeared before my eyes. Eager to reclaim what was rightfully mine, I began scouring the internet for possible solutions. It was then that I came across Cyberpunk Programmers a company touting expertise in recovering stolen cryptocurrencies. Despite my initial skepticism and desperation, I took a leap of faith and contacted them for assistance. To my surprise, they promptly responded with reassurance that they could indeed help me recover my stolen funds. Though I harbored doubts, I eventually decided to give them a chance. Collaborating with Cyberpunk Programmers completely transformed my experience. Their efficiency, professionalism, and transparency were evident throughout the recovery process. They expertly navigated each step, providing regular updates and reassurance along the way. Thanks to their dedication and expertise, I successfully reclaimed a substantial amount of my stolen funds. I was immensely grateful for their assistance during such a challenging time. Following the ordeal of dealing with crypto theft, I realized the critical importance of securing my digital assets. I took proactive measures to enhance security, including using hardware wallets, enabling two-factor authentication, and staying vigilant against phishing scams. I also diversified my investments and educated myself on best practices for safeguarding my funds. Thanks to Cyberpunk Programmers, I now feel more empowered and prepared to protect my investments from future threats. Their clients and their unparalleled expertise in cryptocurrency recovery make them a trusted ally in the fight against crypto theft. For anyone facing the daunting prospect of cryptocurrency loss, Cyberpunk Programmers is the beacon of hope you’ve been searching for. Don’t hesitate to reach out to them and reclaim what is rightfully yours. Trust in the best – trust in Cyberpunk Programmers.
WhatsApp them on +44 7848161773

Gianna Lia

RECOVER FUNDS WITHDECODE HACKERSOut of experience with a couple of hackers, (three precisely),I have come to learn that you can easily tell a fake from a real hacker. I havelost money on fraudulent investments, but I have lost a lot of fake hackerstrying to get their help. It is sad and quite a helpless position honestly. Youwill spend days thinking of how you would have been a bit wiser or smarter butwhat is life? So I came across DECODE HACKERS in one of my desperate researchesand searched for help online. Their rating was high and so was their clientele. I got to involve my FBI and cyber friends to further investigate thesame. Their feedback was positive so I delved deep with Decode Hackers yearningfor their help. These hackers are as well approved by the CEH, CISSP and theGPEN. They immediately started their work. I provided the addresses and whatnot.Call me a liar, but I kid you not that my investment money was back in one day andwe recovered the rest from the fake hackers the second day. You have to trythis team of professionals if you want true urgent help. That’s my advice frommy experience. Be safe. Email: decodehacker(AT)gmail(DOT)comTelegram: (PLUS)1 (917) 384‑3379

Kamel Ghribi

Hello everyone, I wish to share my testimonies with the general public about Dr Kachi for helping me to win the LOTTO MAX, i have been playing all types of lottery for the past 9years now. the only big money i have ever win was $3000 ever since things became worse to enduring because i couldn’t been able to win again, i was not happy i need help to win the lottery, until the day i was reading a newspaper online which so many people has talked good things about best lottery cast Dr Kachi who can change your life into riches. So I contacted him and he cast the spell and gave me the hot figures. I played the LOTTO MAX DRAW Behold when I went to check and to my greatest surprise my name came out as one of the winners. I won $60 Millions Dr Kachi, your spell made it wonderful to win the lottery. I can’t believe it. Thank you so much sir for dedicating your time to cast the Lottery spell for me. I am eternally grateful for the lottery spell winning Dr Kachi did for me. I’m now out of debts and experiencing the most amazing good life of the lottery after I won a huge amount of money. I am more excited now than I ever have been in my life. In case you also need him to help you win, you can contact: drkachispellcast@gmail.com OR Call/Text number: +1 (209) 893-8075 Visit his Website: https://drkachispellcaster.wixsite.com/my-site

Katherine Griffith


Email: contactus@hacksavvytechnology.com

Homepage: https://hacksavvytechrecovery.com

Whatsapp : +7 999 829‑50‑38

I’ve learned the hard way that when it comes to dealing with scammers promising effortless wealth through dubious investment schemes, the adage “work smart, not hard” takes on a bitter irony. Seduced by visions of luxury and lifelong prosperity, I fell victim to their cunning ploys, ultimately losing my entire life savings. It’s a cautionary tale I feel compelled to share, hoping to spare others from the same fate. If you’re reading this, take heed. My ordeal began innocently enough, drawn in by the allure of substantial returns for minimal effort. These scammers painted a picture of financial independence with just a simple investment on my part. It seemed too good to be true, and indeed, it was. After committing my hard-earned savings to their so-called investment opportunities, the promises quickly unraveled. Attempts to withdraw funds were met with delays and excuses, and before I knew it, my accounts were emptied, leaving me devastated and financially ruined. In this fraud, I embarked on a desperate quest for justice and restitution. Aware of the slim chances of recovering my stolen funds, I stumbled upon HACK SAVVY TECHNOLOGY, a beacon of hope amidst my despair. Skeptical yet hopeful, I reached out to them, detailing my harrowing experience and seeking their expertise in retrieving what was rightfully mine. From the outset, their team demonstrated a profound understanding of the tactics used by scammers, offering not just technical expertise but also empathy and reassurance. HACK SAVVY TECHNOLOGY approach was methodical and relentless. They employed advanced digital forensic techniques to trace the intricate pathways of my stolen funds through the labyrinthine networks of cryptocurrency transactions. Despite the obstacles placed by the scammers to hinder recovery efforts, HACK SAVVY TECHNOLOGY persisted, navigating legal complexities and technical challenges with unwavering determination. Throughout the recovery process, HACK SAVVY TECH TECHNOLOGY maintained transparent communication, keeping me informed of their progress and patiently addressing my concerns. Their professionalism and commitment were evident, providing a sense of security and trust that had been shattered by the initial scam. The turning point came when HACK SAVVY TECHNOLOGY delivered the long-awaited news—they had successfully retrieved a significant portion of my stolen funds. The relief and gratitude I felt were indescribable, knowing that justice had prevailed against the fraudsters who had sought to exploit my trust and financial vulnerability. They are not just experts in financial recovery but also champions for victims of fraud, fighting tirelessly to reclaim what is rightfully theirs. If you find yourself ensnared in a similar predicament, do not hesitate to seek their assistance. HACK SAVVY TECHNOLOGY stands as a beacon of hope and a formidable adversary to those who prey on unsuspecting investors.The impact of HACK SAVVY TECHNOLOGY in rebuilding my financial security and restoring my trust in justice cannot be emphasized enough. Their efforts not only retrieved my stolen funds but also renewed my optimism in overcoming financial challenges. With their unmatched expertise, unwavering integrity, and dedication to ensuring client satisfaction, HACK SAVVY TECHNOLOGY stands as a powerful ally against financial deceit. Reach out to HACK SAVVY TECHNOLOGY today to initiate the journey towards reclaiming your financial stability and inner peace.

Annatte Santos

Being scammed out of my cryptocurrency was a nightmare I never expected. I felt completely hopeless until I found Walldrive Cyber Security Service. Their team handled my case with great care and expertise. They were able to trace the transactions and retrieve my funds in a remarkably short period of time. The regular updates and clear communication throughout the process were very reassuring. Walldrive Cyber Security Service turned what seemed like an impossible situation into a successful recovery.

You can reach out to them through Whatsapp: +44  7961  202493; e-mail: walldriveservice @ techie.com

Lisa Flannery

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